10 easy lessons blues harmonica rapidshare library

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I will try to upload new free harmonica tutorials often. If you found this harmonica lesson helpful, please let me know and like it! Also, please subscribe to my channel. If you have any further questions, leave a comment for the video or connect with me via Thanks for watching this fundamental harmonica lesson on how to play octaves on the harmonica which is entitled, 'Harmonica Basics 16 - Learn to Play Harmonica Octaves.' If you want to learn how to play blues harmonica, then it is important to learn to play harmonica octaves.

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They also can function as 'harmonica chords' when you're comping on the blues. Octaves are a great technique to master, and are very important for getting that 'thick' tone on the blues harmonica. I apologize that it is horribly out of tune!!!! (that's why the octaves are pulsing - especially on the 1 draw and 3 blow) Thank you for watching this free harmonica lesson entitled, 'Harmonica Basics 16 - Learn to Play Harmonica Octaves.' I am playing a C harp in this video. Please sign up for my free newsletter here: